There are a few Chips patients that are doing well and it is time for an update.
Baby Lato and her mom have moved to South Africa.
We saw Rav 4 the other day and she is doing well. She is 6 months old now.
Clement is now living with his gogo in Manzini. His mother has mental problems so keep her in your prayers.
Jabu #1, Jabu #2 and Jabu #3 are all doing well.
We have done extra testing in Section 19 and have had a good response from the community and new residents. A lot of men are coming forward for testing which is a huge praise!
Every time we go to Khomba, more people are willing to go through with the testing. It took them a while to understand that the program is free with no strings attached. The Lord continues to bring people in His timing.
We do have a sick baby in the hospital. This malnourished 8 month old, who is HIV negative, doesn't fit the Chips profile, but he was so bad off that we took him in regardless. His mother is dying of AIDS and has gone to her family homestead leaving behind the baby and his father who doesn't have a job or money. This baby is only the size of a 2 month old baby. Please pray for this lil' guy and his parents.
P.S. - If you want to support our ministry, the fastest way is to make an Online Donation via
Go to "Donate" and select our name, Stephens, Ian and Jenn SWAZILAND. The system can process USA and International cards.
Or simply mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate for Ian and Jenn, Fund Code #97.
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