"Vusile, Vusile where are you Vusile?"
Vusile turned in his walker, scanning with his limited vision to catch a glimpse of those familiar voices. His face, much in need of a good scrubbing, broke into a big grin when he saw Ian and Jenn. Instantly he stretched out his hand, knowing that Ian would come and play a tickle game.
Ian and Jenn could hardly contain their joy and excitement at seeing Vusile and it is obvious that he has a very special place in their hearts.
Jenn gave Vusile her phone and they enjoyed a chit-chat.
Ian got out his phone and joined the conversation. Love and happiness was shared in this three-way conversation.
Then Ian called Jenn's phone (which was being duly monitored by Vusile). Vusile was enthralled with the musical ring tone and when it had finished, he said 'Wow'.
As said before, Vusile's father doesn't want anything to do with Vusile. Vusile is only taken care of and fed when a new wife is on the scene, but his dad goes through many wives in a short amount of time. Both Vusile and his father are receiving ART's and are enrolled in Chips. Vusile still has a dislocated shoulder, can't walk and spends his days in this walker. He has developed quite the personality and we have come to realize that he isn't blind as we had thought when we first introduced him to you.
"BuBye BuBye!" Vusile shouted as we left. It has just been recently that he has started to talk. We love this 4 year old little boy and try to provide as much care and love to him as we possibly can. Please continue to pray for Vusile and that he would be able to receive the care (physical, emotional and medical) that he needs to thrive.
P.S. - If you want to support our ministry, the fastest way is to make an Online Donation via www.WorldOutreach.org
Go to "Donate" and select our name, Stephens, Ian and Jenn SWAZILAND. The system can process USA and International cards.
Or simply mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate for Ian and Jenn, Fund Code #97.
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