Two weeks ago, I, Ian, went to help out with the Simuyne children's Sunday school camp. The theme was the Armor of God and being more than conquerors in Christ. On Saturday the kids were split up into three groups. Another leader and I were in charge of the group at the dam. The kids had to get into a canoe, paddle out to the island, find the memory verse on the island, memorize it and then had to come repeat the verse to us before heading back to do their next task. There were many laughs while watching the kids struggle to make it to the island and back!
I lead one message on Ephesians 6:10-18 about putting on the armor of God and we even had an armor suit that the kids used to put on. The kids shared that they had learned about faith, trust, and working together. Sunday morning we shared about the mind and attitude of a conqueror. At the end of the message, six children came and gave their life to Christ. One of the kids came up to me and asked me to pray with him since he wasn't sure that he was saved.
It was such a blessing to be with the children and to see how much they love the Lord. I also learned how much God can do when you are focused on Him.
The children sharing their memory verses in front of the church.
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